Perspective: Ted's Washington Post Essay says DeVos is Wrong: ‘If choice and competition improve schools, I found no sign of it.’
"During my travels, I met with every element of our education ecosystem — governors, legislators, billionaires, school boards, college admissions, textbook and testing executives, bureaucrats, students, parents and teachers. I covered every geography, demographic and school type. I had no ax to grind, no bias to uphold. I just wanted to listen and learn. For an administration that relies on index cards with “I hear you” reminders, here’s what our secretary of education needs to hear." - Ted Dintersmith
Ted discusses what Betsy DeVos might learn if she did what he did - go out, see schools, and listen to teachers.
Read the full article on the Washington Post here: Venture capitalist visits 200 schools in 50 states and says DeVos is wrong: ‘If choice and competition improve schools, I found no sign of it.'